“All of the Instructors were professional and knowledgeable. 2SRG's moulage made a world of difference in the realism of the training."
Sean V., Federal Agent, Paramedic
"As usual the 2SRG staff was outstanding. The trained role players were an excellent addition and added a ton of value to this training."

Mike K., Federal Agent, EMT
“Invaluable Training! This training has given me great confidence and should be mandatory training for all agents. It definitely gave me confidence in what you can do and how long you can prolong life when the right techniques are applied."
Jason B. , Federal Agent
“If I could clone Dr. Morehouse and the 2SRG staff, I could accomplish ten times my current testing output.”
Colonel Douglas Hodge, PA-C
Deputy Director National Center for Medical Readiness
“The rolplayers during the MASCAL event were excellent and the entire scenario was well prepared and executed. The prompts were excellent in helping the learning process."

Julie M., PA
“The training was extremely beneficial. I cannot stress how important this training was in improving my skills and confidence. I used to be wary of chest tubes and surgical airways, but now I feel more confident if I needed to do one of these procedures.
The instructors were all very knowledgeable, both with the information and research on these topics and procedures, but also their personal experience. It was important to hear about their experiences on what works, what doesn't and how to fix it. The hands-on exceeded my learning needs. Great hands-on expereince.
The provided protocol flowsheets will be essential in real life trauma situations.
The prolonged field care exercies were very important in improving my confidence. I know that I the knowledge and ability to manage high acuity patients for extended time until transport comes. Very important in what we do overseas.
The team at 2SRG were experined and excellent trainers. They were professional and patient in helping us learn these essential skills."

Heather G., NP
“You guys were awesome. Clearly expereinced and knowledgeable not only about the specific techniques, but alternatives and lessons learned."

Chris C., PA
“Hopefully I will never be involved in a Mass Casulaty, but I cannot imahe another better way to prepare and learn. I certainly feel more confident that I could perform hemorrhage control, chest tubes, needle decompression and cricothyotomy if needed.
The trainers were fantastic, they were knowledgeable, enthusiastic and competent.
This is the best course I have attended with regard to prehospital care. I would recommend this to all providers."

Peter G., MD
“This was the best trauma class that I have ever attended. My confidence improved significantly.
I highly recommend this training be offered to other providers and medical staff."

Tom D., PA
“All of the instructors are inspiring in their enthusiasm for the program. I feel humbled every time I have the oppurtunity to be trained by 2SRG. Please pass along my genuine gratitude for the work and skill that is brought forward to train us.
The MASCAL exercise was the best oppurtunity yest to bring about an understadning of how we operate with outisde agencies in an emergenct situation."
Ronald A., AEMT, Federal Agent
"This course surprised me; allayed some of my fears & hesitations that I previously had. Instructors were uniformly encouraging and supportive. I never felt they were critical. The MASCAL was excellent. I can't think of any way I would change it. Hemorrhage control would have been impossible to learn without the hands on portion of this course. My confidence in TCCC was vastly improved. This course came at TCCC concepts from different angles of didactic and hands-on, with repition that made me more confident. I have a much better understanding of Prolonged Field Care after this course."

Andrew H., DO
"This course had a great mix of didactic, hands-on, didactic and scenario based training and exceeded my learning needs. All the instructors were excellent!​ The MASCAL was absolutely wonderful. It felt real, the actors were people we didn't know which made it feel more critical. I loved it. I know I can do this now. I am not affraid of a MASCAL now. All the classroom lectures and practice with mannequins in the world could not make me feel experienced and confident, but this course did.
I feel so confident now! It's wonderful. I appreciated the in-depth explanations of why we do things. It makes it possible to think through and do what logically makes sense, rather than simple memorizing algorithms. The way the hands-on parts built on the classroom lectures was perfectly designed. I get it, and think I could teach it to others too."

Eve G., PA
“The instructors were extremely helpful and patient. This course increased my confidnece and emphasized the importance of planning, communication and the judicious use of resources."

Latifat H., NP
“This course opend our eyes and minds to considerations and techniques in operational medicine. I would unequivocally recommend this course to the other providers in my group."

Christopher C., PA
“This was an excellent course. The experience and knowledge of the instructors was very apparent."

James D., NP
“I have a much better senese of the goals and principles of TCCC. MARCH was well known to me, but now I am more confortabel applying it to a larger scale event."

Geoffrey J., MD
“I am far more confident than before taking this course. I really appreciate the suggestions and real-life experiences shared during the training."

Ann T., NP
“The MASCAL event was well done and revealed many aspects of an incident that I had not considered before taking this course.
The pace of the course was great, information was valuable and practical, perfect class size and teaching environments. Excellent instructors who are unquestionalbly passionate about what they do and committed to making us more competent and confident in the field."

Alexis A., PA
“This course has made me realize how far gauze and ace wraps can go. Actually learning how to transfuse blood was a good start running a walking blood bank.
I have taken courses in the past which gave me some knowledge and had a hands on approach but the repititon in this course increased my confidence immensely. The instructors are approachable and will take the time to explain procedures which was great."

LaSheena W., NP
“This course has tremendously enhanced my skills and also helped build my confidence level."

Aster T., NP
“This course exceeded my expectations by far! Certainly the best course I've taken regarding trauma preparation."

Michael M., PA